Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to the world Lucas!

We have been on baby watch for the last few weeks! Matt and Stacy's baby was due on February 16, and I was asked to be in the delivery room to help Stacy out. Two weeks ago, Friday morning I got a text from Stacy saying they were sent to the hospital. I packed a bag for me, and a bag for Berlin, took her to my parents, headed back to the West Side. When I got to Stacy it was about 2:30 and she was not too far along. I hung out and did not do a lot because Stacy is amazing and did not want us around. By about 12 in the morning she was about 9cm and ready to start pushing. However Lucas had a diffident idea. He was not in a good position to come out naturally, so a c-section it was.  At 1:30 am on February 19th, little Lucas was born. By 2:30 a very proud Papa came out to get us and see the recovering Mommy and new baby. He was not even a full hour old.

Though the road has been a little rocky for Stacy, Lucas is beautiful, healthy and has some wonderful lungs!

It really makes me think how we all started out so small and helpless! While I was nursing Berlin this evening, and realizing that she will be 14 months tomorrow, I was trying to think back to when she was that small and young. I was holding Lucas today wishing I could remember Berlin that young. I don't know why I can't remember, maybe it was the drugs from my C-section or maybe it was the 'baby blues'. I can only hope that if we have another babies, I can be more alert postpartum.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Matt, Stacey and Lucas! That is so wonderful! I'm glad you guys could be there for them. It's so awesome! I know what you mean about when they were that little. I can't believe we're about to have another dinky one in a couple of months!
